Saturday, July 22, 2006
another opening, another show in philly boston or!
steven and i had the pleasure of staying with gary kennedy and cathy last night. we are staying with them for one more night before moving into a hotel. the group was able to take in a talk by gary a couple of days ago on his work and conceptual art. i proded his brain a little over coffee this morning. we drank about five cups of coffee and munched on toast with strange german jelly. in particular, i took interest in his experience of halifax as a center of art in the 70's. this idea was surprising to me considering the amount of social activity happening around the world at that time apart from nova scotia. somthing in the air made it good conditions to make exciting art. the jelly was fantastic.

staying in rented apartments is a wonderful way to look into the life of someone who lives in berlin. i never saw so much hair products in one bathroom.
today's work was dominated by the question of changing the show to suit the audience. maybe some stuff is offensive. maybe some stuff a german audience just won't understand. figuring out where this line is opens up a lot of opinons. and i think that it's fair to say that in our case the cast had different viewpoints on the subject.
for me, this project has been as much about negoitating collaboration as is has been about making a new play.
but no matter what the lesson is, when the show is presented to an audience, it's an experience that we are constructing for them. or, a gift as garry williams might say. and tonight theory will finally be put to practice. then tested again as we begin to look at the movemtent through all the different venues.
please feel free to ask questions.

staying in rented apartments is a wonderful way to look into the life of someone who lives in berlin. i never saw so much hair products in one bathroom.
today's work was dominated by the question of changing the show to suit the audience. maybe some stuff is offensive. maybe some stuff a german audience just won't understand. figuring out where this line is opens up a lot of opinons. and i think that it's fair to say that in our case the cast had different viewpoints on the subject.
for me, this project has been as much about negoitating collaboration as is has been about making a new play.
but no matter what the lesson is, when the show is presented to an audience, it's an experience that we are constructing for them. or, a gift as garry williams might say. and tonight theory will finally be put to practice. then tested again as we begin to look at the movemtent through all the different venues.
please feel free to ask questions.