Monday, July 24, 2006
Egg On My Face

World premiere in Deutschland was a success!!!
After many hot days of sweating it out in Berlin (well, 6 days anyway, which is not that many...) we opened to a nice sized crowd at the Emerson Gallery. There were lots of friends and family, which was nice. In fact, I've been struck by this strange introduction to Berlin which includes meeting so many other Canadian artists who are exhibiting works here. It's great! Great audience, great show, and a great after party including artichoke and anchovy pizza and superfluous bottles of champagne and merlot. Lecker lecker lecker!!!
Most of us thought that celebrations should continue after the gallery, so we travelled eastward, toward the sun that would soon be rising, and drank and talked and smoked out in some sand in a groovy bar courtyard. Our numbers dwindled as more and more exhausted cast members tapped out, but Amy, Garry and myself decided we might as well see the night through to its natural end, so we walked around the former East Berlin a-waiting the dawn, and as the sun peeked above the city scape we found ourselves strolling unter den linden and posing in front of the Brandenburg Gate (this was, of course, after climbing on several bears while Amy snapped photos of us... by the way, I love Amy... her fingers are so... so strong... climbing on things seems to be theme for me this trip, as evidenced not only by the bears, but also the iguanodon statue at Gay Night at the Zoo...)
This has been an excellent first trip to Berlin, and Europe in general, as is my case. I'm surprised that after the first week I feel so settled in, despite the significant language challenges and culture shock. How will we ever settle back into no-drinking-on-the-street and severe-lack-of-public-transportation Halifax??