Friday, July 28, 2006
once bitten, twice shy...

champion sports players will tell you they perform best when they are fully in the moment.
last night was one of our best performances, which might be a result of it being one of the best spaces. we were at another gallery space, but instead of performing in the gallery itself the show was presented in the loft apartment of the gallery owner, 'Huckie'.
this unique space used to be an metal works factory at some point, but Huckie has since rennovated it. the apartment was mostly brick walls with arch patterns and high ceilings that were broken up by wooden beams that ran from wall to wall. a kitchen was added and a wall was added down the longest side to create a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom.

Again, we looked for the spaces that were best suited for the different scenes. the nightmare made use of a bed already in one corner of the space, scene one took advantage of a heavy woodna dn metal elevator, and the head was elevated up against one of the tall brink walls that had a ledge just big enough of for steven to stand on.
to make the evening more like an event we prepard food again and provided wine with much help (like the night before) from garry's mom, anne.
as if the evening wasn't special enough, we played with the notion of turning the show into a bit of a game. an action that we never before had taken, but came out of a disscussion of wanting this performance to be a bit more casual. so, we left the running order up to the audience, who decided which scene came next by taking a number from designated spaces and placing it on a poduium. to signal that a number was selected, they then rang a bell and the scene would begin. we hung the numbes up at the end and when the show was complete all of the numbers hung in a line along one wall of the space.

yeilding the order put us firmly in the moment of each scene. and due to the episodic nature of the play anyway, no 'narrative' was lost. in fact, one of the spectators commented to me that he thought we had manipulated the whole thing because the order was too appropriate. but as there is there is often good turns of luck, i'm sure that the order would not always yeild such a good flow.
today we are left to our own devices until the opening of cathy and garry's (kennedy)exhibit at the emerson gallery.
i am taking to the time to stroll about the streets. tomorrow we are doing, what will be, the last gallery shows, and on sunday is the theatre presentation at theatre forum.

time to spend seeing berlin is almost gone, if not already fleeting.
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GaRRy here, again. For me, the performance in "Hucky"'s loft, above the gallery Kunstpunkt Berlin, was the first performance to return to the original notion of retaining an arbitrary scene order, determined by the audience. The first day or rehearsal I suggested the possibility of night-by-night changes in the running order, calling it a 'lottery'. We rejected the idea, though, worried about narrative clarity and audience comfort. I think we have identified something special. We have learned to trust our audiences, to trust the scenes, o trust the element of 'play', and to trust our own ability to adapt 'in the moment'.
dust the berliner -
sehr gut, mein freund, sehr gut. it sounds to me like an auzgesiechnet experience! nice blog, sailor.
love ang
sehr gut, mein freund, sehr gut. it sounds to me like an auzgesiechnet experience! nice blog, sailor.
love ang
Hey, guys, what are we doing tonight?? Nice joke about you leaving Berlin today, I almost believed you late last night. Actors! Very touching departure, I'll give you that.
You wouldn't dare leave now, without having enjoyed the beach bar, outdoor movie night and all the other essential Berlin summer experiences! Because if you did leave, you'll be cursed forever; you will never be free of the urge, the calling, the feeling of being incomplete; you will always long to return and relive the past two weeks in Berlin...
I'm sure I warned you about this. Or perhaps someone else did, no? Everybody knows this, after all.
I'll just wait in the lobby of the Bogota until you drop by.
See y'all,
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You wouldn't dare leave now, without having enjoyed the beach bar, outdoor movie night and all the other essential Berlin summer experiences! Because if you did leave, you'll be cursed forever; you will never be free of the urge, the calling, the feeling of being incomplete; you will always long to return and relive the past two weeks in Berlin...
I'm sure I warned you about this. Or perhaps someone else did, no? Everybody knows this, after all.
I'll just wait in the lobby of the Bogota until you drop by.
See y'all,
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