Tuesday, August 01, 2006
For The Games. And Tequila.

A play is directed not by one entity, but by the people that are connected
to it. A life is directed by choices, and by the people connected to those
choices. You can choose to wear glasses or contacts, you can choose to eat
meat, get married or learn to navigate the Berlin public transport system
(or not). In life, some choices will inevitably disappoint you. Some will
surprise you. Some will change the way you look at your work, your life, and
the way you choose to live it. Berlin did this for me.

As I sit on the porch of my apartment on a beautiful Halifax day, trying to
fight off the jet lag long enough to come up with a final blog entry that
doesn’t focus too much on Hallmark card quotes or curry wurst, I find myself
struck by the idea that I almost chose not to audition for this show. I
almost decided to forgo this experience simply because the words “prepare a
performance piece” scared me. Now, in retrospect I realize once again that
we gain the most from the things that most scare us.

In all ways, 13 Ways and Berlin seemed to be a very bad decision for me.
Financial, artistic and work related problems plagued the rehearsal process.
The very idea of this show and Berlin brought me stress, debt and doubt,
however, the reality of it left me with a new respect for the craft and the
people who devote themselves to it. With a new awareness of space, and how
one inhabits it. With new friends, new bruises, a renewed interest in soccer
and a re-established love for beer and unfortunately, tequila.
Garry and his partner Eric just wandered by my porch so I had take a break
to share the only bottle of wine I brought back from Germany with them- it
seemed fitting. In one of our many nostalgic rants, Garry mentioned a card
he saw at the Frankfurt airport that he thought summed up our trip. It
roughly translated into ‘to enjoy the full taste of life you have to take
full bites’.

Initially I thought I was taking on more than I could chew with Berlin, but
now I see this trip was a delicious appetizer. It may sound trite, but I see
now that while good things can be born of “good” decisions, great things can
be born of “bad” ones. The reality of the 13 Ways experience in its entirety
still exists, but the ultimate effect it has had reinforces my belief that
for me, this was a bad decision gone great.
Thanks to the Dapopo crew who have changed the way I look at theatre and
space, and to the new friends who have changed the way I look at all night
karaoke bars and sunrises over bridges.

And to the readers-go to Berlin. It will change you. But remember to
exercise caution with the curry wurst.
I’m out.